Setup Aircraft Squawks (Issues, Snags, Defects) and Notifications


Squawks are any issues affecting the aircraft, they can happen or be noticed whether the aircraft is flying or on the ground. Reporting on aircraft squawk is a great way to make sure your aircraft remain safe and in good condition, and ensure issues are fixed in a timely manner.

Add Squawks

Adding a Squawk requires permission "Add Aircraft Squawks/Snags". You should also consider how the users you want to be able to do this are going to access the pages that allow this. For example, if you want people to be able to log a squawk while they are checking in a flight, they will need permission to dispatch/check in flights. Or, if you'd like them to be able to report Squawks/Snags from the Aircraft Profile, then they'll need permission to View Resource Profiles.

Squawks can be reported and added to the squawks list in three ways:

  1. From an aircraft profile
  2. During flight check-in
  3. From the global squawks list

The maintenance staff will refer to that list to plan and prioritize their work.

Add squawk from an aircraft profile

  1. From the left-hand menu, select "Aircraft".
  2. Select the aircraft from the "Aircraft" page.
  3. Select "Squawks".
  4. Click on "Add Squawk".

  5. Describe the issue and decide whether the aircraft needs to be grounded or not. The user must have the relevant user permission granted to add a squawk or ground the aircraft.


  6. Click "Save".

Add squawk during flight check in

The flight check-in takes place after the flight. Only authorized users can perform the flight check-in.

  1. Go to your reservation, either from "Dashboard" or "Schedule".
  2. The status of the reservation is checked out.
  3. Click on "Check In".
  4. In the "Check In" window, click on "Report Aircraft Squawks".
  5. Click on "Add Squawk".
  6. Describe the issue and decide whether the aircraft needs to be grounded or not. The relevant user permission must be granted to add a squawk or ground the aircraft.
  7. Click "Save" to exit the squawk window.
    The new squawk is displayed in the Check In window.
    You can still edit or delete the squawk before saving the complete Check In information.

Add from Global Squawk List

To access the Global Squawks list, you need permission "Can Manage & Close Squawks"

  1. From the left-hand menu, select "Aircraft".
  2. Select "Squawks" to open the global squawk list.
  3. Click  "Add Squawk".


  4. Select the aircraft, describe the issue and decide whether the aircraft needs to be grounded or not.
  5. Click on "Save".

Set up squawk email notifications

Users can be sent email notifications when a new squawk is created. This permission needs to be granted by an administrator. This is especially useful for maintenance personnel. Before you can opt-in.

To opt-in a user to receive squawk email notifications:

  1. From the left-hand menu, select "People".
  2. Select the user you would like to receive squawk email notifications.
  3. Go to "Account Settings" -> "Email Notifications".
  4. Check the permission for "Aircraft Squawk Created"
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