General Setup
It’s recommended that you set up training courses in the following order:
- Import a syllabus from a course provider or create a new custom course.
- Complete or modify the Course Setup. Review and complete each step in the order in which it appears:
- Course Details
- Setup
- Grading
- Course Contents
- Tracking
- Mark the course as Live.
- Courses must be Live before students can be enrolled. Make sure you have completed the entire course setup before making the course Live.
- Once the course is Live and at least one enrolled student has a training session logged for the course, then the majority of the course becomes locked and cannot be edited. See Locked Course Settings for more information.
Add a Pre-Populated Course
Flight Schedule Pro offers several pre-defined courses from partner content providers. To add a course from the provider library, complete these steps:
- Navigate to Settings > Training Hub > Courses.
- Click Add Course. The Add Course view is displayed.
- Select the syllabus provider you want to use. A Course selection menu for the provider is displayed.
- In the Course menu, select the syllabus you want to use. A Terms of Service agreement is displayed.
- Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service.
- Click Continue. The course is added as a draft and the Course Setup for the new course is displayed. You will need to complete Course Setup steps to finalize your course (see Complete or Modify the Course Setup).
- Note: Many settings in the Course Setup are locked for pre-populated courses. See Locked Course Settings for more information.
Add a New Custom Course
To build your own custom course, complete these steps:
- Navigate to Settings > Training Hub > Courses.
- Click Add Course. The Add Course view is displayed.
- Select Custom Course. A Course Name field is displayed.
- Enter the name you want to use for this course.
- Note: Course names must be unique.
- Click Save. The course is added as a draft and the Course Setup for the new course is displayed. You will need to complete Course Setup steps to finalize your course (see Complete or Modify the Course Setup).
Complete or Modify the Course Setup
Complete the following steps in the following order to configure and finalize your new course. Note: If you selected a syllabus from a course provider, many of these steps have already been configured and some settings are locked. However, you will still need to verify and modify several steps in order to finish the course setup.
Course Details
- Basic course details are displayed the top of the Course Setup page. To modify these settings, click the edit icon from the course details box.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Name: Modify the original name you assigned this course, if desired. This name must be unique within your company.
- Location: A list of your company's locations is available. Select the locations that you want to have access to this course.
- Status: The course is automatically saved in Draft status while you complete the course setup. You will need to change this status to Live before you are able to enroll students. Make sure you have finished setting up the course in its entirety before making the course Live.
- Regulation: Select the applicable regulation and enter the additional requested information, such as FAA Part 141 Certificate # and Certificate/Rating Earned.
- PIN Requirement: Determine whether you want to require a PIN to be entered by either the instructor or the student (or both) when a training session is logged. By entering their PIN, the instructor or student can verify that the session results are accurate.
- Stages: If your course has stages, set the Stages outline option to ON. Otherwise, set it to OFF to remove stages from the course outline.
- Phases: If your course has phases, set the Phases outline option to ON. Otherwise, set it to OFF to remove phases from the course outline.
- Click Save. The Course Setup page is displayed. Continue to the Setup section.
Instructor Assignments
Instructor Assignments define which instructors are qualified for each aspect of the instruction, including recommendations for graduation and approving graduation. Complete the following steps to define instructor assignments:
- Click Edit for the Instructor Assignments row. The Instructor Assignments view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Chief Instructor: Select the person who is qualified to graduate students from the course. Ensure this role has been granted permission to graduate students.
- Assistant Chief Instructor: Select the Assistant Chief Instructor(s) for the course.
- Check Instructors: Select the instructor(s) who are qualified to oversee stage checks for the course.
- Instructors: Select any other instructor(s) who are qualified to teach the course.
- Click Save. The Course Setup page is displayed.
Show / Hide Course Fields
You can hide hour types and maneuvers that don’t apply to your course in order to simplify the display. Hiding these fields is optional. Complete the following steps to define which fields are shown for the course.
- Click the Show / Hide Fields row. The Show/Hide Fields page is displayed. A list of all hour types and maneuvers that are available for your company are displayed. Most of these fields are turned on by default.
- Turn off any field that you want to disable for this course. Turn on any field you want to enable for this course.
- Notes:
- Any custom hours or totals that you have defined for your company are displayed on the Show/Hide Fields page. See Set Up Custom Hours, Maneuvers, and Totals for more information about custom hours.
- The Total fields are cumulative and are used for Course, Stage, Phase, and Lesson minimums. These Total fields are not shown when grading a lesson, and it is recommended that they be left on.
- Notes:
- Once the fields are enabled and disabled as desired, click Save, then navigate back to Course Setup page.
Course Minimums
Complete the following steps to define the minimum flight time and any other applicable minimums that students should reach before graduating from the course. Note: At least one minimum is required.
- Click Edit for the Course Minimums row. The Course Minimums view is displayed.
- Click in the Add Fields to Track field and select the hours or totals that you want to define as a course minimum. Click Apply. The selected fields are displayed.
- Enter the minimum number expected for each selected hour or total.
- Click Save. The Course Setup page is displayed.
Enrollment Settings
Some regulations require that flight schools provide an enrollment certificate, a syllabus, and a safety practices and procedures document to students. Course enrollment settings allow you upload those items for a course and to determine other enrollment settings. Complete the following steps to define enrollment settings:
- Click Edit for the Enrollment Settings row. The Enrollment Settings view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Enrollment Certificate: If you would like to generate an enrollment certificate upon student enrollment, select YES, then enter the additional requested information, such as the course name, the company name, and the logo you would like to use on the enrollment certificate. You can preview what the certificate will look like by clicking Preview Enrollment Certificate. Note: It is highly recommended to upload a company logo for the certificate.
- Syllabus: If you would like to make a course syllabus available to enrolled students, select YES, the upload the syllabus file.
- Safety Practices and Procedures: If you would like to make a safety practices and procedures document available to enrolled students, select YES, the upload the file.
- PIN Acceptance Required: If you have selected YES for any course enrollment documents listed above, then you can determine whether a student PIN is required to acknowledge these documents. Select YES if you want to require a student PIN to be entered in acknowledgement of these documents before the student’s training can begin.
- Student Requirements: In addition to requiring the student to acknowledge enrollment documents, you can also prevent training from starting until other requirements are completed. To set other requirements, click Add Requirements. A list of actions and documents is displayed. Select the items you want to require before training can start, then click Save.
- Click Save. The Course Setup page is displayed.
Graduation Settings
Some regulations require that flight schools provide a graduation certificate for students. Complete the following steps to define graduation certificate settings:
- Click Edit for the Graduation Settings row. The Graduation Settings view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Graduation Certificate: If you would like to generate a graduation certificate upon student graduation, select YES, then enter the additional requested information, such as the course name, the company name, and the logo you would like to use on the enrollment certificate. You can preview what the certificate will look like by clicking Preview Graduation Certificate. Note: It is highly recommended to upload a company logo for the certificate.
- Require Digital Signature: If you have selected YES for the graduation certificate, then you can determine whether a student PIN is required to graduate the student. Select YES if you want to require a PIN to be entered when the Chief Instructor, Administrator, or other person with the proper permissions graduates the student.
- Click Save. The Course Setup page is displayed.
Lesson Grading
Define the grade scales you want to be available when grading overall lessons and sessions. You will need to define these grade scales before defining the specific lessons used in a custom course. Complete the following steps to define lesson and session grades:
- Click the Lesson Grading row. The Lesson Grading page is displayed.
- Click Add Grade Scale. The Lesson Grade Scale view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed:
- Name: Enter a name for the grade scale. This name must be unique for the course.
- Default this lesson grade scale for the course: To automatically use this grade scale when adding lessons for the course, select ON.
- Click Save. The new lesson grade scale is displayed in the grade scale list.
- You now need to add grade options to the grade scale. To do so, click Manage Grades. The grade scale page for the newly created grade scale is displayed.
- Click Add Grade. The Add Lesson Grade view is displayed. Note: The order in which the grades appear in the grade scale is important. Add the highest grade first.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Name: Enter the full name of the grade. This name will be displayed in most places across the app.
- Short Label: Enter a one- or two- character label for the grade name. This label will be displayed in places where the full name needs to be abbreviated (for example, on a lesson progress view of a student’s course overview).
- Description: Enter an explanation of the grade, if desired.
- Default Lowest Passing Grade: Set this field to ON if this grade should be the lowest passing grade for the grade scale. Any grades lower than this will not be considered a passing score. Note: At least one grade in the grade scale must be defined as the lowest passing grade.
- Click Save. The grade is added to the grade scale.
- Repeat steps 6–8 until all grades for the grade scale have been added.
- Make sure that the grades are displayed in order of highest grade to lowest grade. You can drag and drop grades within the list to rearrange them as needed.
- Navigate back to the grade scale list. Repeat steps 2–10 for each grade scale you will need for subsequent course lessons. When you are done adding grade scales, navigate back to the Course Setup page.
Task Grading
Define the grade scales you want to be available when grading specific tasks and maneuvers within a lesson. You will need to define the task/maneuver grade scales before adding tasks to specific lessons used in a custom course. Complete the following steps to define task/maneuver grades:
- Click the Task Grading row. The Task Grading page is displayed.
- Click Add Grade Scale. The Task Grade Scale view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed:
- Name: Enter a name for the grade scale. This name must be unique for the course.
- Default Task grade scale for the course: To automatically use this grade scale when adding tasks for course lessons, select ON.
- Show lowest passing grade on grade sheet: To show an indication of the lowest passing when logging a training session and grading tasks that use this grade scale, select ON.
- Click Save. The new task grade scale is displayed in the grade scale list.
- You now need to add grade options to the grade scale. To do so, click Manage Grades. The grade scale page for the newly created grade scale is displayed.
- Click Add Grade. The Add Task Grade view is displayed. Note: The order in which the grades appear in the grade scale is important. Add the highest grade first.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Name: Enter the full name of the grade. This name will be displayed in reports and in some other places across the app.
- Short Label: Enter a one- or two- character label for the grade name. This label will be displayed in places where the full name needs to be abbreviated (for example, when logging a training session and grading a list of tasks within a lesson).
- Default Lowest Passing Grade: Set this field to ON if this grade should be the lowest passing grade for the grade scale. Any grades lower than this will not be considered a passing score. Note: At least one grade in the grade scale must be defined as the lowest passing grade.
- Click Save. The grade is added to the grade scale.
- Repeat steps 6–8 until all grades for the grade scale have been added.
- Make sure that the grades are displayed in order of highest grade to lowest grade. You can drag and drop grades within the list to rearrange them as needed.
- Navigate back to the grade scale list. Repeat steps 2–10 for each grade scale you will need for subsequent course lessons. When you are done adding grade scales, navigate back to the Course Setup page.
Course Contents
Course Overview
Optionally, you can add details for your overall course such as an objective, completion standards, and required study. Complete the following steps to add these course details:
- Click Edit for the Course Overview row. A Course Overview view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed, then click Save. The course overview is updated and the Course Setup page is displayed.
You can add exams to the course if desired, and by doing so, you will be able to log a student’s grade on the exam and save it with the course records. Defining exams is optional. Complete the following steps to add exams to the course:
- Click the Exams row. The Exams page is displayed.
- Click Add Exam. The Add Exam view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Name: Enter a name for the exam. This name must be unique.
- Description: Enter an explanation of the exam, if desired.
- Included in Training Record: Select YES if you would like to include student exam results in the training record that’s generated upon graduation.
- File Upload: If you would like to attach a file to the exam, select YES.
- File Required: If you selected that a file can be uploaded to the exam, you can then also determine whether that file is required. Select YES to require a file attachment for the exam.
- Click Save. The exam is added to the exam list.
- Repeat steps 2–4 until you have added all exams for the course. When you are done adding exams, navigate back to Course Setup and continue to Step 8: Enrollment Settings.
Course Outline
The Course Outline step is where you determine your course outline and the contents of each stage, phase, and lesson within the course. If you are using a pre-populated course from a partner content provider, then these contents have already been set up for you. You may need to review and make minor adjustments as needed, though much of the contents are locked (see Locked Course Settings for more information). If you are adding a custom course, this is the step that will require the most time to complete, as each stage or phase will likely have multiple lessons and each lesson will likely have multiple tasks.
Complete the following steps to set up course contents:
- Click the Course Outline row. The Course Outline page is displayed.
- It is recommended to add tasks for your course before you start building out stages, phases, and lessons, as many of these tasks may be reused in several of your lessons. To add tasks, complete these steps:
- Click the Manage Tasks button. The Tasks page is displayed.
- Click Add Task. The Add Task view is displayed.
- Enter a task name, then click Save. The new task is added to your task list.
- Repeat steps 2–3 until you have added all tasks for the course. Note: You can add more tasks later in the course setup if needed.
- Click the Manage Tasks button. The Tasks page is displayed.
- Navigate back to the Course Outline page. If you included stages or phases in Step 1: Basic Course Information, you will now need to add stages or phases to your course outline. To add a stage, complete these steps:
- Click Add Stage. A new stage is displayed in your course outline. (Similarly, if you have enabled phases for your course, then click Add Phase.) The new stage is added to your list.
- Click the edit icon for the newly added stage. The Edit Stage view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Name: Enter a new name for the stage. Ensure this name is unique for the course.
- Objectives: Enter the expected objectives for this stage, if desired.
- Stage Minimums: Enter values to represent the minimum time expected to be completed for each item in the stage. Note: The available Stage Minimum fields are pulled from the course minimums you defined in Step 2: Define Course Minimums.
- Click Save. The new stage is added to your course outline.
- Repeat steps 1–4 until you have added all stages for the course.
- You now need to add lessons within each stage. To add lessons, complete these steps:
- Click Add Lesson. A new lesson is displayed within the stage.
- Click the new lesson. The lesson page is displayed.
- Click the edit icon for the lesson. The Edit Lesson view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Lesson Name: Enter a name for the lesson. Ensure this name is unique for the course.
- Status: Leave the status in Draft state until you have completed the entire lesson setup.
- Objectives: Enter the expected objectives for this lesson, if desired.
- Completion Standard: Enter the completion standard for this lesson, if desired.
- Required Study: Enter any required study you expect students to complete for the lesson. You can use formatting help to include links to external sources if needed.
- Recommended Study: Enter any additional recommended study you expect students to complete for the lesson. You can use formatting help to include links to external sources if needed.
- Notes for Instructor: Enter any details that instructors may find useful.
- Lesson Grade Scale: The default lesson grade scale defined in Step 4: Define Lesson & Session Grades is automatically selected. You can change this if needed.
- Lowest Passing Grade: The default passing grade defined for the grade scale is automatically selected. You can change this if needed.
- Enable Session Grading: If you would like to add overall session grades separate from the lesson grade, turn this setting ON. Note: This is not typical.
Stage Check: If this lesson should be a stage check, turn this setting ON. You will be prompted to enter additional details:
Name: Enter a brief name for the stage check.
Prerequisite Restrictions: If you would like to prevent students from scheduling and logging additional this stage check until they have received a passing grade for all preceding lessons, turn this setting ON.
Progression Restrictions: If you would like to prevent students from progressing past the stage check until they have received a passing grade, turn this setting ON.
Expected Completion: If you would like to track a student’s progress toward an expected completion date for the stage check, turn this setting ON and enter the number of days from enrollment that the student should complete the stage in order to stay on track.
- Lesson Minimums: Enter values to represent the minimum time expected to be completed for each item in the lesson. Note: The available Stage Minimum fields are pulled from the course minimums you defined in Step 2: Define Course Minimums.
- Click Save. The Course Outline page is displayed.
- Click Add Lesson. A new lesson is displayed within the stage.
- Once your lesson is created, you need to add tasks to the lesson. To add tasks to a lesson, complete these steps:
- Click Add Heading. A new heading is displayed. Note: At least one heading is required in order to add tasks to the lesson.
- Click the edit icon for the heading, enter a heading name unique to the lesson, then click the save icon .
- Click Add Task. The Select Task view is displayed. Select the tasks you have already added to your overall course that are relevant for this lesson. Alternatively, you can add new tasks by clicking Add a Single Task or Add Bulk Tasks.
- Click Add Tasks. The selected tasks are added to your lesson.
- If you would like to make adjustments to a task specifically for this lesson, click the edit icon for the task. The Edit Task view is displayed.
- Value all fields as needed.
- Task is required: This will be automatically set to YES. If you want to make grading for this task optional for the lesson, set this to NO.
- Task Grade Scale: The default task grade scale defined in Step 5: Define Task / Maneuver Grades is automatically selected. You can change this if needed.
- Lowest Passing Grade: The default passing grade defined for the grade scale is automatically selected. You can change this if needed.
- Show lowest passing grade on grade sheet: If you would like to indicate the lowest passing grade when grading this task, then set this to YES.
- Completion Standard: Enter the completion standard for this task, if desired.
- Click Save.
- Complete steps 1–7 until all headings and tasks have been added for the lesson.
- When the lesson setup is complete, click the edit icon for the lesson and set the lesson status to Ready.
- Click Add Heading. A new heading is displayed. Note: At least one heading is required in order to add tasks to the lesson.
- Repeat the steps to add lessons and tasks until all lessons have been added for the course. Navigate back to the Course Setup page.
Progress Profiles
If desired, you may add progress profiles for the course to define and track student progress. To add progress profiles, click the Progress Profiles row. See Setup Progress Profiles for more information.
Marking the Course as Live
When your course is ready for student enrollment, you need to mark the course as Live. Note: All lessons must be in a Ready status before a course can be Live. To make a course Live, follow these steps:
- Navigate out to the main Course Setup page.
- Click the edit icon from the course details box.
- Change the Status field to Live.
- Click Save. Your course is now available for student enrollment.
Locked Course Settings
If you select a syllabus from a content provider or if at least one enrolled student has a training session logged for the course, then the following course settings are locked and cannot be edited:
- The course outline
- Stages and phases are mostly locked, although you can still make the following changes:
- Modify the stage or phase name
- Add or modify stage or phase minimums
- Note: These can be changed only if Stage of Phase Minimums are not set to be required
- Add a new stage or phase
- Lessons are mostly locked, although you can still make the following changes:
- Modify the lesson name
- Add or modify lesson minimums
- Note: These can be changed only if Lesson Minimums are not set to be required
- Add a new heading
- Add a new lesson
- Modify the lesson status
- Add or modify stage check details
- Scheduling requirements
- Grade scales are mostly locked, although you can still make the following changes:
- Add a new grade scale
- Course tasks are mostly locked, although you can still make the following changes:
- Add new tasks
Permission Needed
You must have the permission Manage Student Curriculum in order to set up Training Hub.
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