Graduate a Student from a Course


When a student has completed course requirements, the chief instructor (or anyone with permission) can change the student‘s enrollment status to Graduated.

Step by Step

To manage student enrollment information and enrollment status, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Enrollment view for the course. See Manage a Student Enrollment in a Course for more information about accessing the Edit Enrollment view.
  2. Click in the Enrollment Status field and select Graduated. A list of course requirements is displayed.
    • Note: If a course requirement hasn’t been met, click the requirement to view more information. 
  3. If you choose to approve the graduation, then select Graduation Approved, enter a date for Date of graduation, and optionally add a note. If the course is set up to require a PIN for graduating students, then enter your PIN. See Set Up Training Courses for more information about graduation settings.
    • Note: The note entered for graduation approval is only used in the emails sent to selected recipients.
  4. If you choose not to approve the graduation, then select Graduation Not Approved and optionally add a note.
    • Note: The note entered for graduation approval is only used in the emails sent to selected recipients.
  5. If you would like to send notification emails about the graduation to selected recipients, check the Send to user/s box and select the people who should receive a notification.
    • Note: It is not necessary to send a notification to the student. 
  6. Click Save. The student‘s enrollment status is updated to Graduated. A graduation email is automatically sent to the student‘s email address. A training record is generated and accessible in the Documents tab of the Course Overview page (see View Course Documents for more information about accessing course documents). If graduation certificates are enabled for the course, then a graduation certificate is generated and accessible in the Documents tab of the Course Overview page (see Set Up Training Courses for more information about graduation settings). 

Permission Needed

You must have the permission Add Student Graduations in order to change the student’s enrollment status to Graduated.

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