When a student has completed the course requirements, an instructor can recommend a student for graduation to inform the chief instructor, who is the one who will finalize the graduation status.
Step by Step
To recommend a student for graduation, complete these steps:
- Navigate to the student’s Course Overview page for the desired course. Click the Actions dropdown button and select Recommend Graduation. The View Enrollment view is displayed.
- A list of course requirements is displayed. If a course requirement hasn’t been met, click the requirement to view more information.
- If you choose to recommend the student for graduation, then select Recommend for Graduation and optionally add a note.
- Note: The note entered for graduation approval is only used in the emails sent to selected recipients.
- If you choose not to recommend the student for graduation, then select Not Recommended for Graduation and optionally add a note.
- Note: The note entered for graduation approval is only used in the emails sent to selected recipients.
- If you would like to send notification emails about the graduation recommendation to selected recipients, check the Send to user/s box and select the people who should receive a notification.
- Click Save. The student‘s enrollment status is updated to Pending Graduated. A graduation recommendation email is sent to the selected users.
Permission Needed
To recommend a student for graduation, you must either:
- Have the permission Manage All Student Enrollments
- Be listed as an instructor for the student for the course
Related Articles
- See Enroll a Student in a Course for more information about creating a new course enrollment.
- See Graduate a Student from a Course for more information about approving graduation for a student.
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