Instructors and administrators can log training sessions for students enrolled in a course.
Step by Step
Log a New Training Session for a Student
Follow these steps to log a new training session for a student:
- Navigate to the Log Session view in one of the following ways:
- From the student's Course Overview page, click Log Session.
- From a reservation, click Log Session.
- From a reservation, click Log next to a scheduled training session in the Training section.
- From the student's Course Overview page, click Log Session.
- In the Log Session window, value the fields in the Session Details section as needed. Some of these values may be pre-populated for you, depending on how you accessed the Log Session view.
- Notes:
- If all fields in the Session Details section have been valued by default, then the section is collapsed. Click to expand the details if needed.
- If the session has been logged before, then a Continue or Repeat field is displayed. Select Continue if the student is continuing a lesson that they have not yet finished. Select Repeat if the lesson was completed, but the student needs to redo the lesson.
- If the Log Session view was accessed outside the context of a reservation, then you can enter a value in the Reservation field. This value must match an existing ID for a reservation that includes the student.
- Notes:
- Once the lesson is selected, then a list of tasks for the lesson is displayed. Add a grade for each task that was completed during the session.
- Notes:
- The short label for each grade is displayed. Hover over the label to view the full name of the grade.
- NG (or Not Graded) is selected by default.
- To add the same grade for each task, click the checkbox above the first grade in the list. If there is more than one grouping of tasks, then you can only apply the grade to tasks within the same grouping.
- If the lesson was continued and the task was graded during the previous session, then the previous grade is displayed before the grade options.
- If the lesson was configured to display the lowest passing grade, then the lowest passing grade is indicated beneath the grade.
- Notes:
- If the student completed a task from another lesson during the session and you want to include that task, follow these steps (otherwise skip to Step 5):
- Click Add Tasks. The Add Tasks to Session view is displayed.
- Select a lesson. Tasks from that lesson are displayed. Select desired tasks, then click Add Tasks. The tasks are added to the session. (Note: You will still need to grade the added tasks as part of their original lesson when logging a session that includes that lesson.)
- Click Add Tasks. The Add Tasks to Session view is displayed.
- In the Overall Grade section, select a grade for the lesson as a whole.
- In the Route section, enter a From Airport and a To Airport.
- Notes:
- Route is only displayed if an aircraft is included in Session Details.
- If another stop was made during the flight, click Add Via Airport and select the relevant airport(s).
- Notes:
- In the Hours & Experience section, enter the training hours and maneuvers completed by the student during the session.
- Notes:
- Only hours and maneuvers that are enabled for the course are displayed.
- Totals are not displayed because they are automatically calculated based on other hour types.
- Only hours that are applicable to the aircraft type are displayed (example: Sim fields are only displayed if a simulator is selected as the aircraft).
- Notes:
- In the Notes section, enter any notes you want to capture about the session, if desired.
- Note: Entered text will be accessible by the student.
- A Signatures section is available only if it has been enabled for the course. The student should enter their PIN for the Student Signature, or you can check the box to send a request to the student to enter their PIN at a later time. Enter your PIN for the Instructor Signature.
- Click Save if you want to complete the session. Click Save Draft if you want to save your changes, but complete the session at a later date.
- Note: If times entered for the logged training session session do not match the logged flight time, logged flight time, then a Training Mismatch view is displayed. See Working with Training Mismatches for more information.
Log a Training Session for a Group of Students
Sessions can be logged for a group of students. Follow these steps to log a group training session:
- Access a reservation that includes a Class or Meeting activity type (see Set Up Activity Type for more information about activity types).
- Click Log Session or Log for a scheduled lesson (see Log a New Training Session for a Student). The Log Session view is displayed. An Attendees field is displayed.
- Note: Only students on the reservation who are enrolled in the selected course can be selected as Attendees.
- Select the students you want to log a session for, then complete the Log Session workflow (see Log a New Training Session for a Student). A new session will be created for each selected attendee.
- Notes:
- If student signatures are required for the course, then a request to enter a PIN will automatically be sent to all selected attendees.
- If session details are edited from a group view (which is accessible via the reservation), then updates apply to all students in the group view.
- If session details are edited from an individual view (which is accessible via the student’s Course Overview), then updates apply to only that student. Additionally, that student session will be removed from the group view.
- Notes:
Edit a Training Session
Follow these steps to edit a training session:
- Access a logged training session (see View Student Training Sessions for more information).
- Click Edit. The training session is displayed in an editable view.
- Make changes as needed, then click Save. Your changes are applied.
- Note: If a session has been edited, then a History tab is available when viewing the session.
- Note: If a session has been edited, then a History tab is available when viewing the session.
Delete a Training Session
Follow these steps to delete a training session:
- Access a logged training session (see View Student Training Sessions for more information).
- Click Edit. The training session is displayed in an editable view.
- Click Delete. A Delete Training Session view is displayed.
- Click Delete. The session is deleted.
Permission Needed
- Training sessions can be logged, edited, or deleted only for students whose course status is Enrolled.
- New training sessions can be logged for a student only by the following users:
The student’s instructors for the course
Users with the permission Log All Student Sessions
Users with the permission Manage All Student Sessions
Training sessions can be logged outside of a reservation only by users with the permission Allow Session Logging Without a Reservation.
- Training sessions can be edited or deleted only by the following users:
The student's instructors for the course
- Users with the permission Manage All Student Sessions
Training sessions can be viewed only by the following users:
- The student
- The student's instructors for the course
- Users with the permission View All Student Enrollments
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