Enroll a Student in a Course


You can enroll a student or group of students in a course.


The course setup must be complete and the status of the course must be Live before students can be enrolled in the course. See Set Up Training Courses for more information about setting up a course.

Step by Step

To enroll a student or a group of students in a course, complete these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Students list and click the Enroll a Student button. The New Enrollment view is displayed.
      • Alternatively, you can enroll an individual student by navigating to the student‘s Course Enrollments page and clicking the Enroll button. The student‘s name will be selected by default in the Student field.
    2. Click in the Student field. If you would like to enroll an individual student, select the people option, begin typing the student's name, then select the name from the matching entries. If you would like to enroll a group of students, select the group option, begin typing the group name, then select the group from the matching entries.
    3. Click in the Course field and select the desired course from the list.
      • Note: Only courses marked as Ready are available to select. 
    4. If progress profiles have been defined for the selected course, then a Progress Profile field is displayed. Optionally, select the progress profile you would like to apply to the student or group of students. See Set Up Progress Profiles for more information about progress profiles.
    5. If you are enrolling a group, then an Email field is displayed. Enter the email address that should received a notification when the enrollment for the group is processed.
    6. Complete all other fields as needed, then click Save. The student(s) enrollment status for the course is set to Enrolled. The student(s) will also receive an email notification about their new course enrollment.
      • Note: If enrollment documents have been added to the course and if PIN acknowledgement is required for those documents, then the student's enrollment status will be set to Pending Enrollment until they enter a PIN to acknowledge the documents. See Set Up Training Courses for more information about enrollment documents.

Permission Needed

You must have the permission Add Student Enrollments in order to enroll students in a course. 

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