Work Item Types


This article will explain all about work item types and how to use them within Maintenance Hub.

Work Item types allow you to categorize the work performed within Maintenance Hub. Every work item must have a type, and Maintenance Hub comes with some pre-built types to support mandatory FAA inspections along with other types of work. It is important to use types wisely as in order to run reporting over time to identify trends in your data, the work item type serves as the common denominator. For example, if you wanted to know how long it takes to perform a 100 Hour Inspection on average for a given aircraft make and model, you need to make sure you properly track all your work by the work item type.

Viewing Work Item Types

You can view the list of built-in types by going to Settings > Maintenance Hub > Work Item Types


Adding a Work Item Type

You can add additional types if there are other codes you would like to track work by. These will be created as 'Custom'. You can enter any 'Display Name' as appropriate, but keep them brief.


Edit Work Item Types

You can edit the 'Display Name' for any built-in types or custom types. 


Editing the 'Display Name' applies to what is in the drop down on work items.


Setting the Default Work Item Types

The default work item type will be used by the system for any ad hoc work items. This should be set to the work item type that you feel would be most appropriate for unplanned maintenance. The current default is 'Discrepancy'. You can change the default by clicking Edit > Make Default.


Changing the Sort Order

You can also drag and drop types to rearrange the sort order, which will change how they display in the drop down list in work items.

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