This article will explain all about Time Entries and how to use them within Maintenance Hub.
Maintenance Hub allows mechanics to track their time on a Work Order or Work Item. This allows you to track how long maintenance is being performed by user and per work order.
Time Entry Permissions
Before a mechanic will be able to log time, they have to be properly enabled in the system as a Mechanic in the system. If they are not, they will be unable to enter themselves (or others) as the person logging their time.
In addition to being a Mechanic, the user must also have the proper permissions. The time entry permissions are as follows:
Create and Edit My Own Ad Hoc Time Entries
Users with this permission will be able to manually add new time entries to work items and work orders, as well as be able to edit their own time entries created manually.
Create and Edit My Own Timer Time Entries
Users with this permission will be able to start and stop timers, which generate time entries on work items and work orders, as well as be able to edit their own time entries created by timers.
Create and Edit All Ad Hoc Time Entries
Users with this permission will be able to edit all time entries for all users regardless of how they were created.
Delete My Own Time Entries
Users with this permission will be able to delete their own entries regardless of how they were created.
Delete All Time Entries
Users with this permission will be able to delete all entries regardless of how they were created.
- Stop All Timers
Users with this permission will be able to stop other user’s timers.
Time Entry Modes
There are two ways to enter time in Maintenance Hub: either ad hoc or using a timer. Both will be discussed here.
Ad Hoc
Simply navigate to the Work Order and Work Item and add an entry.
If adding time at the Work Order level, you must also select a Work Item.
You can also start a time on any given Work Item which will automatically create a time entry once stopped. You can also see other users that have timers running and along with accrued time logged. Any given user can only have one timer running at a time. So if you start a timer it will automatically stop any other running timers.
Time Entry Settings
Time entries are configured to be set in units by default. But if you prefer to enter time by start and end time you can change the setting in Settings->Maintenance Hub->Time Entry Settings.
Enter time in units:
Start date is entered along with total hours:
Enter time by start and end time:
Start time and end time are entered by the user and hours are calculated:
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