- About User Documents (see video)
- Set up a User Document
- Add a new User Document from the library
- Add a custom document
- View and manage a user's documents
About User Documents
(To open this video in YouTube in a new tab, click here)
As an admin, you decide which User Documents you want to track. Documents can be stored for each user and enforced during scheduling and dispatching, using Activity Types. You can add, view, or edit a specific user's documents from that user's profile screen.
Here's what you can do with User Documents:
- Admins decide which documents are turned on for the company and can add custom documents
- Activated documents are accessible from the User's Profile > Documents list
- You can require valid documentation at the time of reservation or dispatch using Activity Types
- For each document, you can say whether or not the end user is allowed to update the document or not
- You can also be very strict now with certain documents if you'd like, by never allowing it to be overridden during scheduling or dispatch
To set up User Documents:
- Go to Settings > Users > User Documents.
- On the User Documents Settings screen, we've created a predefined set of standard documents for you. You can edit, remove, or add documents as needed.
Edit a User Document
To edit settings for a User Document:
- Open the User Documents Settings screen.
- Select Edit next to the document you want to modify.
- Indicate whether this user document is Active. If you select NO, the user document is removed from the list.
- Indicate whether you want the user to be able to modify the document themselves by selecting an option from the User Access drop down list.
- Set the Can be Overridden toggle to NO to prevent anyone, including administrators, from overriding a failed user document check for reservations or dispatch. If you set Can be Overridden to YES, only users with permission to override reservation or dispatch errors will be allowed to override a failed Activity Type check for this document.
- Set the File Upload toggle to YES to allow or require the user to upload a file related to this user document.
- Select Save.
Add a Document from the Library
A library is available for you to add several standard types of documents.
To add a document from the library:
- Open the User Documents Settings screen.
- Select Add from Library from the top right of the screen.
Documents in the Library are organized by category. For each category you can select one or more documents to add to your User Documents list. - Check the box(es) next to the documents you want to activate, and select Add.
Add a Custom Document
You can add a custom document with an ID# and expiration date to ensure that user documents are current.
To add a custom user document:
- Open the User Documents Settings screen.
- Select Add Custom from the top right of the screen.
- Enter the Name for your custom document.
- In the Completion Standard field, enter text to explain what is required in order to satisfy this user document.
- Turn the ID# toggle to YES if an ID # will be required for this user document.
- Turn the Has Expiration? toggle to YES if the user document expiration date must be entered.
- Instead of having an expiration date added to this document, you can indicate when this user document is Required:
- Select One Time Only if the user only needs to satisfy this user document requirement once.
- Select on a Recurring Basis if the user needs to satisfy this user document more than once. Enter a number for Required Every and select whether it is required every X Days or every X months by selecting an option from the drop down list. You can also have this User Document expire the last day of the month by turning the Expires last day of the month toggle to YES.
- Indicate theUser Accessby selectingCan View OnlyorCan Modifyform the drop down list.
- If users with permission to override reservation or dispatch errors will be allowed to override a failed Activity Type check for this document, select YES forCan Override. Keep theCan Overridetoggle to NO if you want to require this document check before reservations or dispatch in every case with no overrides, even by administrators.
- Set theFile Uploadtoggle to YES to allow or require the user to upload a file related to this user document.
- SelectSave.
View and Manage a User's Documents
User's with permission to View & Manage all Users can view, add, and edit user documents.
To locate a user's documents:
- Select People from the left-hand menu.
- Locate the person and select the View button for that person.
- Select Documents from the person's profile.
All active documents are displayed by default. The list of documents provides visual indicators for the status of documents.
Use the Filter drop down list to narrow your search for a specific document.
From the list of documents:
Select View to check status of a document.
Select Edit to modify or complete elements in the document form.
Select Add if a document is missing and complete the document form, which varies for each form.
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