

About Locations

Adding locations is optional. If you plan to set up locations it's recommended that you do so prior to adding aircraft or users.

Once you've added more than one location:

  • You can assign each aircraft to a location
  • Each Instructor can be listed as available to be scheduled at one or more locations
  • Each user can be granted access to one or more locations

Should I set up locations?

You might consider having multiple locations within one Flight Schedule Pro company if:

  • You're expecting a lot of users and majority of users will need access to resources at both "Location A" and "Location B"
  • You'd prefer to maintain a shared database and unified reporting for both locations
  • You want to maintain a single profile for members, customers, clients (reservations, documentation, memberships, aircraft checkouts, etc.)

Instead of adding multiple locations within a single company on Flight Schedule Pro, you might consider creating a new Flight Schedule Pro company for each "location" if:

  • You are trying to manage separate operational business units
  • You'd prefer or are ok with maintaining separate data and reports for these units

Note: Flight Schedule Pro supports single sign-on. Switching from one company to another is as easy as clicking your name at the top right > My Companies.

Add a Location

To add a location, go to Settings > Company > Locations

Click Add to create a new location.

Weather and Civil Twilight in Flight Schedule Pro

Flight Schedule Pro has the ability to display current METAR and Civil Twilight information on the schedule. To enable weather to display, each location must be associated with an ICAO identifier. If your airport does not have an ICAO identifier the nearest reporting airport can be entered instead. Using the nearest airport will not affect the name or other functionality of the location, it will simply enable weather information to be displayed.  

For Civil Twilight, each location must have latitude and longitude information defined. If your airport has an ICAO ID, the information will be auto-filled for you when selecting the ID. If the lat/long is not auto-filled it can be entered manually.  

Weather and Civil Twilight can be enabled in the Schedule Preferences Section (Settings>Scheduling>Scheduling Preferences.  


Time Zones

Each location can be assigned a different time zone. By default, the time zone will match the Company time zone setting. Setting the correct time zone per location (if different than company time zone) ensures that alerts and notifications are sent at the correct time, and enables Google Calendar sync to display reservations on personal calendars accurately.


Important steps after adding location(s):

  • We'll automatically grant you access to new locations you create.  However, you may want to verify which location(s) you have access to (see below).
  • Edit each aircraft and assign it to a location (Aircraft > Select an Aircraft > Edit Aircraft)
  • Edit each Instructor and set which location's they are available to be scheduled at (Instructors > Select Instructor > Edit Instructor)
  • Give users access to locations (see below)

Verify which location(s) you have access to


1. Go to Home  My Profile > Account Settings

2. Select Online Access from the drop-down menu (see image below)


3. If you want to add a location, click on the Location box to add locations.

Default Location: Optionally select a default location so while you're scheduling the system will auto-select this location.

Give users access to locations

By default, user's won't have access to resources at any new locations you create. You'll need to grant them access.

How do I give users access to locations?

  • You can do so when you are adding or approving users (See article "Add, Invite, and Approve users")
  • You can give an existing user access to location(s) by editing their Online Access (see below)

Add or remove an existing user's access to location(s):

  1. Go to People on the left-hand menu
  2. Click "View" for the user you want to edit
  3. Go to "Account Settings" from the user's profile
  4. Select Online Access
  5. Click on the Location box to add or remove locations

Default location: Optionally set a default locations for this user so when they are scheduling the system will auto-select this location.

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