The Advanced Scheduling tool allows operators to build a list of events to be scheduled based on customizable criteria, all all events to the the schedule with one click, make any changes or adjustments the proposed schedule and then publish all events in a batch. This feature is designed to save operators time while also creating a schedule that uses resources more efficiently.
This feature is only available to operators with Suite subscriptions.
Configuration and Considerations
Advanced Scheduling is a complex tool that gets data from many parts of the system.
Schedule Display Hours
Schedule Display Hours are used as the default scheduling window for Advanced Scheduling. (If Schedule Display Hours are set from 05:00 to 22:00, events will be placed between those times.)
Learn more about setting up Schedule Display Hours
Location Time Zone and Coordinates
Advanced Scheduling is done per Location. Location settings should be reviewed to make sure they include the location specific time zone and GPS coordinates, these data points are used to determine civil twilight and accurate event scheduling for operators with locations in different time zones
Student Availability
Student availability is used as a constraint for Advanced Scheduling.
Learn more about Student Availability
Instructor Work Schedules
Instructor Work Schedules are used as a constraint for Advanced Scheduling.
Learn more about Instructor Work Schedules
Lesson Scheduling Requirements
Lesson Scheduling Requirements are the key data points that drive Advanced Scheduling. The requirements define what aircraft are needed, length required, time of day etc.
These can be set using Templates or customized lesson by lesson if necessary.
Activity Types Settings
For Activity Types being used by advanced scheduling it is recommended to have the following fields toggled ON. They can be set to Optional or Required based on the needs of the operation unless otherwise noted below
- Customer 1
- Aircraft (for flight activity types)
- Instructor (for dual flight and ground activity types)
- Instructor Pre/Post (any default values entered will be overridden by Lesson Scheduling requirements
- Pre/Post briefing (if using Pre/Post briefing, instructor must be set as "required to schedule")
- Course
- Lesson
- VFR/IFR (will be set by Advanced Scheduling tool)
- Local/XC (will be set by Advanced Scheduling tool)
- Route / Legs (it is recommended that this be left as optional or "only required to dispatch")
Learn more about Activity Types
Aircraft Setup
Aircraft Category, Class, and other details are used to determine what aircraft can be used for an event. For example in a Commercial course, some lessons may require use of a Complex or TAA aircraft. Defining each aircrafts attributes will ensure that the correct aircraft are being selected for each event.
Learn more about Aircraft Setup
Events are based on Student Enrolment data. As a student progresses through their course, we track lesson scheduling and completion to determine their next lesson not scheduled. If scheduled lesson in not logged or logged with a non-passing grade it will be considered the next lesson.
We also use Primary and Other Instructor as assigned on the enrollment to determine available instructors for a given event.
Learn more about enrolling a student or managing existing enrolment
Instructor Assignments
Instructors who are designated as Check Instructors on a course are used when creating stage check events for students. Instructors who are designated Course Instructors can optionally be included in the pool of instructors for any non-stage check event, by default the system will use the primary and other instructors assigned to a student based on the enrollment record.
Learn more about Course Instructor Assignments
Learn more about marking a lesson as a Stage Check
Users will be need to be granted Access Build Future Schedule permission to access this feature.
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