A maintenance activity type layout is an activity type configuration designed to advise other users the aircraft is not available for scheduling due to maintenance and can be used to keep track of starting and ending aircraft times due to Maintenance via check out/check in.
- To do this, navigate to Settings > General > Scheduling
- > Activity Types
- The activity type, Scheduled Maintenance and Unscheduled Maintenance are defaulted with the Activity Type Layout: "Maintenance".
- The Maintenance layout has fewer activity type configuration settings.
- Basic Information
- Preflight
- The Maintenance layout has fewer activity type configuration settings.
- Basic Information
- Under Basic Information, you will see a Roles Allowed dropdown. This is where you can determine what roles are allowed to make maintenance reservations (such as maintenance personnel, admins, chief pilot, or office staff). Edits made to Roles Allowed will automatically update Preferences under the user role.
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