Set Up Custom Hours, Maneuvers, and Totals


Creating custom flight hours and totals allows you to track training time specific to your school’s unique needs.

Step by Step

Create a Custom Hour or Maneuver

To create a custom hour or maneuver for your school, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Training Hub > Hours and Maneuvers. A list of all standard hours, maneuvers, and totals is displayed.
  2. Click Add Hour or Maneuver in the Hours & Maneuvers section. The Add Hour or Maneuver view is displayed.
  3. Enter a name. This name must be unique across all available hours and totals, including standard hours and totals.
  4. Select the resource type appropriate for the custom hour or maneuver. 
    • Notes:
      • If you select Only available for aircraft as the resource type, then the custom time entry will only be available for training sessions that include an aircraft.
      • If you select Only available for simulators as the resource type, then the custom time entry will only be available for training sessions that include a simulator.
      • If you select No restrictions as the resource type, then the custom time entry will be available no matter what type of resource is included in a training session.
  5. Optionally, select a standard total that you want to include the custom hour in.
    • Note: 
      • Totals cannot be entered when logging a training session, but are automatically calculated based on other time that you enter. 
      • If you opt to include your custom hour in a standard total, then the time entered for the custom hour will be included in calculations for the selected standard total.
      • Consider training mismatches when deciding to include a custom hour in a standard total. See Working with Training Mismatches for more information about how training mismatches are identified.
  6. Optionally, select a custom total you want to include the custom hour or maneuver in.
    • Note: 
      • If you opt to include your custom hour or maneuver in a custom total, then the time entered for the custom hour or maneuver will be included in calculations for the selected custom total(s).
  7. Click Save. The new custom hour or maneuver is created for the company and is displayed at the bottom of the Hours & Maneuvers section. It is now available to enable for your courses.
    • Notes:
      • You can only create up to 20 custom hours or maneuvers for your company.
      • Custom hours and maneuvers are automatically disabled for your existing courses and are automatically enabled for any new courses you create in the future. You must enable the new hour or maneuver for each relevant course in order to start logging student training time for it.

Create a Custom Total

To create a custom total for your school, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Training Hub > Hours and Maneuvers and click Add Total in the Totals section. The Add Total view is displayed.
  2. Enter a name. This name must be unique across all available hour types and totals, including standard hours and totals.
  3. Select the hours and maneuvers you want to include in the total. 
    • Note:
      • You can include either custom or standard hours or maneuvers in custom totals. 
  4. Optionally, select to restrict the total to only specific aircraft categories and classes.
    • Note:
      • If you opt to restrict the custom total to a specific aircraft category and class, then only training time logged for sessions that include the selected aircraft category and class are calculated in the custom total.
  5. Click Save. The new custom total is created for the company and is displayed at the bottom of the Totals section. It is now available to enable for your courses.
    • Notes:
      • You can only create up to 20 custom totals for your company.
      • Custom totals are automatically disabled for your existing courses and are automatically enabled for any new courses you create in the future. You must enable the new total for each relevant course in order to start calculating student training for it.

Updating a Custom Hour or Total

You can edit a custom hour, maneuver, or total only if there are no student training sessions logged for a course that includes the custom time. To update a custom hour, maneuver, or total, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to your custom time and click Edit. The Edit Total or Edit Hour or Maneuver view is displayed.
  2. If you want to delete the custom time field, click Delete. A confirmation view is displayed. Click Delete in the confirmation view to delete the custom time field. 
  3. Alternatively, if you want to update the custom time field, make adjustments as needed, then click Save. The custom time is updated based on your selected changes.


Custom totals do not transfer to LogTen electronic logbooks. You must enter these hours manually in LogTen if you wish to account for them in your logbook.

Permission Needed

You must have the permission Manage Student Curriculum in order to create custom hours, maneuvers, and totals.

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