What are FSP Billable Resources?


The FSP Subscriber Agreement states that subscription renewals are based on the number of "Billable Resources" (Section 3). 


What are Billable Resources?

The In Section 12.2, the Subscriber Agreement defines "Billable Resources" as items added to Flight Schedule Pro including active and inactive Aircraft, Flight Instructors, Meeting Rooms and Simulator, including all non-deleted items.


What about Inactive Items?

"Inactive" resources are still considered "non-deleted" billable resources. These resources, along with "Active" ones, contribute to your subscription costs.


Who's responsible for managing my Billable Resources?

The Account Owner. It's important to note that Administrators and any user with permission to 'Manage Resources' can add Billable Resources to Flight Schedule Pro.

Per Section 4, of the Subscriber Agreement, No refund or credit shall be issued for removed Billable Resources. If you add Billable Resources that exceed the quantity purchased a) a prorated charge will be issued from the day the resource was added to the end of the billing term b) you authorize Flight Schedule Pro to immediately upgrade your subscription to the next tier, and you consent to any increase in fees as a result. Flight Schedule Pro shall have no obligation to notify you of a change in the subscription amount.


What if I am on the Suite subscription?

The Suite model bills only on the number of aircraft (active and inactive). The same holds true as above regarding active / inactive resources and managing resources but when you are on the Suite subscription you will only be billed for aircraft rather than a combination of aircraft, instructors, meeting rooms and simulators. 


What if I add a resource mid contract?

A prorated charge will be issued from the day the resource was added to the end of the billing term. 

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