You and your customer can view the remaining quantity of items included in a package versus the quantity purchased via the package. You can also view the history behind item usage.
Step by Step
View Hours Remaining vs. Hours Purchased
You and your customers can view a snapshot of the remaining instruction and flight hours compared to the package allotment by following these steps:
- The customer can view from their dashboard or staff can view on training hub student overview. A Package widget is displayed. A list of all hours included in the package is displayed, along with the quantity remaining compared to the quantity purchased.
- Notes:
- If the customer has been added to more than one package, then a widget for each package is displayed.
- Hours are deducted from package allotments when invoices for those hours are successfully paid. See Invoicing for Packages for more information about package line item invoicing.
- If you want customers to view only their hour balances and not their account balances, you can turn off the ability to view account balances by removing the permission View Own Balance from the customer role.
- Similarly, if you do not want customers to view invoice transactions, you remove the permission View Own Transaction History from the customer role.
- Notes:
View Package Balance Detail
You can view balances for the overall package, included hours, and included product and service items by following these steps:
- Navigate to the billing packages list by clicking Billing in the sidebar, then clicking the Packages tab. A list of customers who have been added to packages is displayed.
- Click Actions for the customer you want to view balance details for, then select View Balances. The Package Balance view is displayed. The total package price, the amount paid, and the amount owed are displayed. A list of all hour types included in the package is displayed, along with the hours remaining vs. the hours included in the package, the corresponding dollar amount used, and the dollar amount remaining for each hour type. A list of all product and service items included in the package is displayed, along with the quantity remaining vs. the quantity included in the package, the corresponding dollar amount used, and the dollar amount remaining for each item.
- Notes:
- If hours are not included in the package, then hour balances will not be displayed in the Package Balance view.
- If product and service items are not included in the package, then item balances will not be displayed in the Package Balance view
- Notes:
- Click History to view a list of actions taken against the package. The date, action, amount, and user for each action is displayed.
- Note:
- Actions such as package payments, item invoices, refunds, invoice voids / deletions, and balance transfers are included in the history list.
- Note:
Permission Needed
- You must have the permission Access Billing Tab to access the packages list.
- You must have access to a customer‘s dashboard or you must have the permission View All Student Enrollments to view the Package widget for a customer.
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