View LogTen Hours in Flight Schedule Pro


Pilots can view their cumulative logbook hours within Flight Schedule Pro by connecting their LogTen electronic logbook to their Flight Schedule Pro account.

Step by Step

Connect Account

To connect your accounts, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage App view for LogTen in one of the following ways:
    • From the dashboard, click View Apps in the My Apps widget, then click LogTen Pilot Logbook
    • Click your name in the top right corner of the screen, select My Apps, then click LogTen Pilot Logbook.
    • Navigate to your profile page, click Logbook, then click Connect, then click LogTen Pilot Logbook.

  2. If you have access to more than one company within Flight Schedule Pro, a company selection list is displayed. Select the companies you would like to connect to your LogTen account.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. The Coradine login page is displayed. Enter your LogTen login credentials, then click Login.
  5. A Terms and Conditions page is displayed. Click Agree to the Terms of Use.
  6. A confirmation view is displayed. Click Link Accounts.
  7. Your accounts are now connected. To view your logbook hours within Flight Schedule Pro, navigate to your profile page and click Logbook.
  8. A list of totals for most hour types from your LogTen logbook is displayed.
    • Note: Only hour types that are applicable to flight training are displayed within Flight Schedule Pro (for example, Charter or custom hour types are not displayed). In addition, hours logged without an Aircraft Type will not be displayed.

      Note: If you notice that within FSP at this point there is still no hours or your hours haven't updated, closing and reopening the LogTen app should resolve this issue. 

Update Company Access

If you have access to more than one company within Flight Schedule Pro and you would like to change which companies have access to your logbook data, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage App view for LogTen (see connection steps above).
  2. A company list is displayed. Update the list as desired, then click Save.
  3. Any company marked Yes now has access to your logbook data. Any company marked No no longer has access to your logbook data.
    • Notes: If you have already connected your LogTen account and you join a new company within Flight Schedule Pro, that company will be marked as Yes by default. If your Flight Schedule Pro account is inactivated for a company, then logbook access for that company will be updated to No automatically.

Disconnect Account

If you no longer want to display your logbook data within Flight Schedule Pro, complete these steps to disconnect your accounts:

  1. Navigate to the Manage App view for LogTen (see connection steps above).
  2. Click the Open LogTen dropdown menu and select Disconnect.ManageCompanyList.png
  3. A confirmation view is displayed. Click Disconnect and Remove Data.
  4. Your LogTen account is no longer connected to your Flight Schedule Pro account, and logbook data is no longer displayed in your profile. This applies to all companies you have access to within Flight Schedule Pro.

Permission Needed

  • Connecting, disconnecting, and managing a LogTen logbook with a Flight Schedule Pro account can only be done by the pilot who owns both accounts.
  • Once the accounts have been connected, anyone with the ability to view the pilot's Flight Schedule Pro profile will also be able to view that pilot's logbook hours.

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